Merged article download options

Time for another quick update! 😃

Inside Step 3 of the rewriting process we have now merged all article download options into a single button. After pushing this button, you get to choose your preferred format to download your unique articles.

You can download each of your unique articles either as a text document (.txt), a Word document (.docx), or a PDF document (.pdf).

Why did we do this?

Because we're at a point where Spin Rewriter AI offers so many powerful features that we're literally running out of space for the buttons! 🤩

I'm sure all of our awersome users will agree that's a pretty sweet "problem" to have. 😃

Go check out the new "merged" button, and enjoy!

Increased text length limit for the Optimize feature

March is here — the spring has almost sprung! 🌺

And we're feeling pretty springy ourselves, releasing new features and updates left and right. 😃

Just this morning we have rolled out an update that now allows for considerably longer pieces of text when using the new Optimize feature inside Spin Rewriter AI.

✅ You can now confidently use the Optimize feature with articles (or, almost, "tomes") of up to 4,000 words in length.

Go try it out — I'm sure you're going to love it!

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