SSL certificate and security check

As you might've noticed, Spin Rewriter has been using an SSL certificate for about a year now — which allows us to serve the entire website and all parts of Spin Rewriter's user interface securely over the "https" protocol to all of our customers.

This means no one can intercept any of your traffic, including your username or password, the articles you're spinning, or learn anything else about your activity on the Spin Rewriter website at all. We think that's pretty cool — and it's definitely the right way to do things when it comes to running an online business.

Well, our SSL pilot project has been extremely well received and didn't introduce any glitches to our systems whatsoever — so we've now decided to go all-in with SSL support and have just extended our SSL certificate for another 3 years.

While we were at it, we also performed a security audit of the entire Spin Rewriter website plus all of our back-end systems including our API... and I'm super happy to report that we've passed all security tests with flying colors. 😃

Bottom line: This means you're in good hands, and we'll make sure we keep it that way. 😃

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