Spin Rewriter affiliate banners ready!

It was about time ...

We've added a set of handsome animated GIF banners to the Affiliate Program section of Spin Rewriter's website.

These new banners come in all of the most popular dimensions (728x90, 300x250, 160x600 pixels), and our affiliate partners should feel absolutely free to use them! 😃


Spin Rewriter now even more user friendly

We've just introduced another cool new update of Spin Rewriter's user interface.

You have probably already noticed that when you're looking at spun articles inside your Archive, or checking out the list of your subscription payments, all times are reported in the EST timezone.

In other words, if you come from the UK and you just finished working on an article at 8 PM your local time, the Archive simply says "3 PM EST" next to your article.

Bottom line, we have updated the reporting system which means that all reported times (and dates) are now converted to your local time. If you finish your work at 8:15 PM local time, the Archive will say 8:15 PM, no matter where on the world you are.

We hope this makes it even easier to use Spin Rewriter. 😃

Auto Protected Keywords get API support

I'm sure you remember the feature we described on Monday - Spin Rewriter's new ability to automatically protect all capitalized keywords that appear in your articles.

Well, we've now rolled out this new feature to our API server as well. With this in mind, we have updated the API documentation, all of our code samples and the entire Spin Rewriter API SDK (written in PHP).

If this is all a bunch of acronyms to you, then feel free to ignore this post — however, if you're a developer who's using the Spin Rewriter technology through our API, you're probably quite happy about it. 😃

Auto Protected Keywords up & running

We've just rolled out a really cool new (optional) feature.

You can now automatically protect all Capitalized Words that appear in your article. Our software is intelligent enough to know that titles of your articles are usually already capitalized as it is, so it will still spin the titles - however, it will ignore other capitalized words that appear in your article because these words might be something you want to preserve.

This new option is available through Spin Rewriter's web user interface, and it also works with the "I'm Feeling Lucky" option and the "Bulk Rewrite" option.

It's been rolled out 20 minutes ago, so feel free to give it a whirl. 😃


Cool new features on the horizon!

We're bringing 2 really cool new features to Spin Rewriter, and we're bringing them within a week from now!

You'll now be able to automatically protect all capitalized words (except for those in your article's title) — you'll just tick the required checkbox and everything will be taken care of.

Another useful new feature is this: Right now you save a spun article to your archive on Monday afternoon, and your archive says "Monday, 8 PM". This happens because you live in California and our servers "live" on the East Coast. Well, with the upcoming update all dates and times will fit your local timezone.

Stay tuned! 😃

Full support for tablets on the horizon

With the market share of tablets growing steadily and reaching new heights every month, we're thinking of pushing out a new tablet-specific user interface that will allow all iPad, ASUS eee Pad, Samsung Tab etc. users to make the most of our technology.

While Spin Rewriter already works fine on all tablets (all functionality is supported by mobile browsers) and we have quite a number of happy iPad users, this new interface might make things even easier for tablet users. Stay tuned! 😃

Our affiliates made over $50,000 in June alone!

I'm sure you know that Spin Rewriter comes with a GREAT affiliate program.

What you might not know is that our affiliate partners made $50,803.33 in June. In other words, it took them 30 days to make $50k+. 😃

If you want to join them, head over to Spin Rewriter's affiliate program and get psyched! 😃

Great feedback keeps on rolling in

We've been receiving a ton of great feedback and it wouldn't be very marketing-ish of us if we didn't post some of it on the official Spin Rewriter blog. 😃 Here goes:

"I have been looking for a service like yours for a long time and I am very happy I came across your business. Love the spin rewriter and your spin distribute services so far."
- Carol

"hey Aaron!
i am having to tweak maybe one spintax in ever paragraph or two and considering that it is reporting over 90% uniqueness that is really not bad at all. Keep going you are on the right path."

We've also added some great new testimonals to the project's homepage. 😃

For more posts, check out the Monthly Archives.