Our website got a speed boost!

Never completely satisfied with their insane technological achievements, our engineers have been hard at work once again — this time they were tweaking the first thing you come in contact with when considering joining the Spin Rewriter family... our website!

The website got a thorough behind-the-scenes overhaul, with all sorts of technological advancements. There's an even better utilization of CDNs (content delivery networks for optimized loading of images, styles and scripts from an array of servers around the world), better delivery of crucial elements for above-the-fold rendering so the pages on our website pop up even more quickly, and a significantly optimized approach to JavaScript elements that make our website even more user-friendly.

We were able to bring our website into the top 10% range of most "speedy" and responsive websites globally, and that's including the tons of images and a video that always get loaded on the homepage.

Pretty cool! 😃

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