Updated API library: JavaScript

Time for some good news for our fellow coders! 🤓

As you know, Spin Rewriter comes with a powerful API. And we have just made it even easier to use by updating one of our SDK libraries that we're providing to our fellow coders — along with working code samples.

Our latest (and freshly updated) JavaScript SDK library now comes with an even cleaner codebase and allows for imports to be done via ES6 "import" keyword which is the new standard way of doing things in JavaScript.

You can either download the library for yourself, or install it through npm (package installer for JavaScript). 👍

This latest update to our API library makes it a breeze to integrate Spin Rewriter into any existing JavaScript-based project. And don't forget that we also have SDK libraries available for PHP, Python and C# in addition to JavaScript.

We can't wait to see what you build with the power of the Spin Rewriter API! 😎

Growing joys (and pains)

The number of active Spin Rewriter users keeps growing every single month without fail — which of course makes us extremely happy. 😃

But it's not all peaches and cream. 😅

It just so happens that growing joys can sometimes also bring some growing pains with them.

Everyone that has ever run a large-scale software-as-a-service (SaaS) business will tell you that it's a lot of hard work keeping all those servers running without a glitch. Keeping terabytes of data that's usually spread across multiple giant databases in tip-top shape. Making sure that things don't suddenly come crashing down, or — at the very least — slow down to a crawl.

It's a battle our tech team has been fighting for close to 12 years now — and luckily they're pretty darn good at it! 😎

Their job is somewhat unusual in one specific regard: If they're doing good work, our users will never know they even exist in the first place. But as soon as things start to go wrong (Spin Rewriter slows down or crashes for some users), everyone's suddenly pointing their fingers at them. It can be a truly thankless job.

So I am beyond grateful for the work they do. They are amazing at it and they keep delivering absolutely outstanding results. So — thank you! 🙏

Just this past week our team seriously optimized the twice-a-day maintenance tasks that run on our massive databases. It was a lot of challenging technical work to speed up those database queries and make all that maintenance happen in a "non-blocking way" (so that our users can keep spinning their articles while the database is being updated in the background), but they succeeded.

And as a result, Spin Rewriter now works even more reliably than before — and it's even faster for everyone. Hooray! 🤩

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