API quota increased for everyone

I dropped a hint in yesterday's blog post already, but our recent server infrastructure upgrade allowed us to roll out another great surprise for all of our users. 😎

We've increased the quota for API requests for all Spin Rewriter users from 300 to 500 per day. 👍

That's a 67% increase in the number of available daily API requests, at absolutely no extra charge to our amazing users.

This change is already reflected in our API documentation as well.


Server maintenance DONE!

Good news, everyone! 😃

As you know, we had a major server infrastructure upgrade scheduled for earlier today, between 4 AM EST and 8 AM EST.

We took Spin Rewriter offline at 4:16 AM EST and brought it back up at 7:14 AM EST, for a total downtime of 2 hours 58 minutes instead of the expected 4 hours.

At this point, all systems are once again running at 100% and we couldn't be happier with the upgrade!

Big immediate upside: We're now running Spin Rewriter on truly state-of-the-art infrastructure with 10x more network capacity and full network redundancy. The upgraded redundancy has also been applied to our power infrastructure to make the entire setup even more robust.

Another upside: We need to do a tiny bit more testing before revealing this, so stay tuned... but we've got another awesome surprise in store for you. 👍

Sorry again for the inconvenience and thank you for being one of our awesome Spin Rewriter users — and you can rest assured that Spin Rewriter is only getting better and better with upgrades like this one!

Scheduled server maintenance for January 16th

This coming Thursday, on January 16th, we will be rolling out some major upgrades to our server infrastructure.

While the beyond-the-scenes improvements are probably a bit too technical to get into here, we definitely want to give all our awesome users a heads-up:

⚠️ On Thursday, January 16th, Spin Rewriter will be largely unavailable between 4 AM EST and 8 AM EST.

We're hoping we can keep the actual downtime significantly shorter than 4 hours, however that's the official time frame we're aiming for.

We've made sure to roll out the upgrades at a time-of-day where our website sees the lowest number of users — but even so, we still apologize in advance to everyone who will need to wait a bit before getting to use Spin Rewriter on Thursday.

What's the upside? Regular maintenance like this is required to keep our infrastructure in top-notch shape. After the upgrade, you will notice a definite speed improvement, your information will be even safer, and our infrastructure will be even more future-proof.

So, as they say — onwards and upwards! 😃

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2020!

Oh wow... 🤯 Another year over, just like that!

And not just that...

2019 was a HUGE, monumental year for Spin Rewriter.

We launched the incredible new version 10 on 10/10. Version 10 brought to you a brand-new professional design — and that was after 8 years of using our original design with minor tweaks along the way.

We re-thought and re-built the new design from the ground up. We worked with world-class UX experts and we invited dozens of people into our office so we could see how they use Spin Rewriter.

All this effort has been worth it a HUNDRED times over!

Spin Rewriter 10 turned out to be a MASSIVE success, and we couldn't be happier to see how excited all of our customers (both long-time customers and brand-new ones) are about the power and ease-of-use of Spin Rewriter.

This has been our dream all along! 🥂

We're hoping 2019 has been a wonderful year for you as well. We're hoping you're entering the new year and the new decade with clear goals, strong focus, and that you're excited about what lies ahead.

Here's to all of your dreams coming true in the new year,

Aaron — and the entire INFINET LLC team 😃

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