Merry Christmas & Happy 2015!

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

I'm so incredibly glad about how 2014 turned out... and I sincerely hope it has been an incredible year for you as well.

I also want to wish you Merry Christmas — and an even more amazing 2015!

Aaron — and the entire SmileyTech Solutions / INFINET team 😃

Spin Rewriter's servers just got even faster!

As you guys know, Spin Rewriter's popularity has been absolutely exploding ever since we released version 1.0 all the way back in September 2011.

2013 and — especially! — 2014 have been simply amazing and we've been signing up new users at an incredible rate. However, as the saying goes: with a great number of users comes great responsibility. 😃

Between our users using the website interface and our API to spin their articles, we're now processing literally thousands of articles every single hour. In order to keep our servers responsive and snappy, our tech team's been working like crazy the last couple of weeks, fine-tuning all of our server-side code and deploying extra servers.

I'm incredibly excited to say that we were able to reduce the average server load by more than 30%, and Spin Rewriter's user interface is now more responsive than ever!

We hope you like this behind-the-scenes update as much as we do! And thank you for being our members! 😃

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