Happy Two's Day!

Here at Spin Rewriter we're in love with linguistics and everything that has to do with language... so, let me begin with this:

Happy Two's Day! 🎉

It's February 22nd, 2022... in other words, 2/22/22.
Nothing but twos. And it's a Tuesday!

How crazy is that? 🤪

But it gets crazier... In Europe we write dates as day-month-year, so over here today is actually 22-02-2022.


Which means today's date is also a palindrome! You can read it left-to-right or right-to-left, and it's still the same old Two's Day. 🤓

And there's yet another, extra, BONUS level to this madness:

Not only is today's date a palindrome, on a digital clock you can even turn it upside down and it's still the exact same date! Go ahead, try it:

Two's Day - not just a palindrome, you can even turn it upside down

As linguists and geeks, we absolutely love weird stuff like Two's Day. And hopefully today is a great day for you, two too. 🤩

A sweet new copy-to-clipboard button

Another week, another upgrade. 💪

You know how you can easily generate hundreds of unique versions of your original article in Step 3?

Well, sometimes you may want to manually copy-and-paste just one of the unique versions so you can use it somewhere else.

😞 Sad part: Up until now, you had to click at the beginning of your freshly generated unique article and then carefully drag your mouse cursor alllll the way to the end of your article, selecting the entire thing. At which point you either pressed Ctrl+C or Cmd+C to copy the article, or you right clicked to Copy, or you went to your browser's menu bar to Edit > Copy.

🤩 Happy news: None of that careful work is required any more! We have added a brand new "Copy-to-Clipboard" button to Step 3 so you can now easily copy your unique articles with a single click.

Hope you like this latest user-experience upgrade!

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