Spin Rewriter signed up over 6,000 users in June!

That's right! June has been a great month for us, and mostly for Internet Marketers all over the world - over 6,000 of them decided to join us and start using Spin Rewriter which is, at the moment, undoubtedly the most advanced article spinner on the market. 😃

Congrats on a great decision! 😃

Meet our new JV manager, Jacob

We've just had an amazing addition to our team. A young fellow named Jacob joined us, and he and I will both be talking to our JV partners and affiliates from now on.

Here's what he has to say: "I'm very excited to be a part of the amazing Spin Rewriter team. It's both my pleasure and a big challenge to help Spin Rewriter users get the most out of our software, to help our technicians further improve it, and to make sure all our affiliates and JV partners are as happy about the entire project as we are."

Jacob, welcome aboard! 😃

Summer season is upon us

It's been a crazy successful and more-than-mildly exhausting 6 months ... 😃 ... and July is the one time of the year when things usually calm down a little bit and we can breathe a bit more easily.

Our customer support department is going to be available 16 hours a day all summer long and we'll keep on responding to all support tickets within a single business day. Our dev team (hard-working programmers) will take a short break, though, so right now our focus is on reliability of our software. We'll be adding a new set of awesome features in September or so.

Enjoy these hot summer days, and - all the best! 😃

Spin Rewriter now recognizes even the weirdest encodings

You might have noticed I picked the "Programming" category for this blog post. The reason for this is quite simple - this post won't be very interesting to 95% of you who aren't programmers. 😃

You see, out of thousands of active users, we have received about 2-3 customer tickets each month saying that Spin Rewriter somehow garbled up the original text. We've been looking into this for a while now, and we found out that:
  • 99.5% of all submitted texts are processed normally
  • texts that begin with the bytecode EF BB BF are encoded in the standard UTF-8 format (works well with Spin Rewriter)
  • texts that begin with the bytecode FE FF are encoded in the UTF-16/UCS-2, little endian format (some issues)
  • texts that begin with the bytecode FF FE are encoded in the UTF-16/UCS-2, little endian format (some issues)
  • texts that begin with the bytecode FF FE 00 00 are encoded in the UTF-16/UCS-2, little endian format (sporadic issues)
  • texts that begin with the bytecode 00 00 FE FF are encoded in the UTF-16/UCS-2, little endian format (sporadic issues)
For instance, if our user entered "It ?s nev?r a ?onven?ent tim? t? h?v? ?our v?hicle qu?t ?n ??u." in the UTF-16/UCS-2, little endian format, Step 2 of the spinning process appeared fine, however Step 3 showed this: "It �?s nevеr a �?onven�?ent timе tо hаvе �?our vеhicle qu�?t оn �?оu."

We have now resolved all these issues and Spin Rewriter will process all articles that you can throw at it. 😃

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