Happy Holidays to everyone!

We're getting closer and closer to the end of yet another deeply unusual year. This seems like a good time to look into the future — hopefully with renewed optimism for what lies ahead.

And what better time for this than the holiday season, right? 🎄

Whether you're celebrating Christmas or not, I hope this holiday season brings you happiness, peace and a lot of fun, memorable moments with the people closest to you.

I hope the hustle and bustle of yet another crazy year (hey, we're two-for-two now!) has finally started to slow down at least a little bit. I also hope you'll be spending the holidays in good health, surrounded by your family and friends.

And here's to hoping that we all enter 2022 with recharged batteries — and that we're entering a year when things finally go back to normal. That's what I asked Santa for, anyway. 😃

Happy Holidays to everyone from our entire team!

🎅 🎄 🎉

Sometimes it's the little things

Here at Spin Rewriter we feel there's always room for improvement. There's always some way we can go the extra mile for our awesome customers. And over time, all of these small improvements add up into a great user experience.

Let me give you a recent example. 😃

You know how we sometimes send you email updates about what's going on here at Spin Rewriter, or tell you about special deals we were able to get you?

Well, in those emails, I've been using the same exact signature since 2011. It's my signature and it never changes, so... why would I ever need to update it, right?

Well, the tech world is always evolving. And sometimes this means that something that's perfectly good today isn't going to quite cut it tomorrow.

So here's what happened. It all boils down to two major things:

"Retina" displays: A lot of the screens our customers are using got much sharper over the years. Phone screens have crazy resolutions at 6 inches these days. Tablets have insanely sharp fonts. Even desktop monitors with a 4K resolution at 27 inches are way way sharper than the 1080p monitors of yore.

Dark mode: Many of our users are using "dark mode" (at least in the evenings) on their phones and laptops. Which gives emails a dark background and white text so reading them doesn't burn your eyes at night.

Put these 2 things together, however, and suddenly my old signature starts to look pretty pretty bad. 😬

So here's what we did:

Aaron's signature - before and after

We made my signature much, much sharper... and when shown on a dark background, we made sure it comes with a nice border instead of the pixelated mess it came with before.

Now, I feel like I should point out: This isn't some vanity thing on my part. 🙈

It's about the attention to detail that we're pouring into every last bit of the Spin Rewriter experience. And I think this is a big part of the reason why tens of thousands of people absolutely love Spin Rewriter. So we're happy to do it. 😃

Improved capitalization of acronyms etc.

Time for another update as we're entering Happy December 2021. 🎄

With the latest push of code to our production servers, we have further improved auto-capitalization of synonyms that Spin Rewriter suggests for the original words and phrases found inside your articles.

This latest update is focusing especially on capitalization of synonyms when it comes to suggestions Spin Rewriter is making for acronyms, abbreviations, initials, and so on.

For example, when dealing with the word "TV" in the middle of a sentence, you will no longer get "TELEVISION" as one of the suggested synonyms — even though the original word "TV" was, technically speaking, in all-caps.

Now, fixing this issue wasn't quite as simple as it may sound. You could say, "sure, of course the algorithm should never suggest 'TELEVISION' to replace 'TV', it should always suggest 'television'!"

...but no. 😬

If your original sentence said "TV is on", the suggested synonym should be "Television" because the word appears at the beginning of the sentence... and if the original title of your article was "TV = OK", then it probably still makes sense to suggest the synonym as "TELEVISION" to keep the artistic style of your title the same.

So it took quite a bit of coding to get things just right. 👌

As a result, "UK" also no longer gives you "UNITED KINGDOM" but gives you the synonyms in their correct form, based on the wider context of the appearance of the original word... and same goes for many, many other acronyms, abbreviations and initials.

In other words: It all now works exactly as it should, and your generated spun articles read even better. 😃


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