Spin Rewriter 4.0 launch was a HUGE success!

I'm incredibly happy to say our 4.0 launch has been a HUGE success!

We've signed up thousands of new users who are now going to have full access to Spin Rewriter's incredibly powerful ENL spinning technology.

We've also made our affiliate partners very happy once again, and we'll continue making them happy as we pay our recurring monthly / yearly commissions for years to come.

Bottom line, I wanted to shout out a huge Thank You to everyone and anyone who made this amazing launch possible! Thank you a thousand times!

Spin Rewriter 4.0 is coming in 3 days!

That's right - the brand new version of Spin Rewriter is coming on Friday, October 18th at noon EST... that's 9 AM Pacific, or 5 PM UK time. 😃

We've just officially started the "4.0 prelaunch" yesterday - make sure to head over to www.SpinRewriter.com and sign up for the prelaunch to get a ton of free goodies, and to stay up-to-date when it comes to the 4.0 launch! 😃

Simplified payouts to our affiliates!

We have now made the entire process of "our affiliates getting paid" remarkably simple & efficient. 😃

All of our affiliates with outstanding (unpaid) affiliate commissions will now receive a monthly email reminder about their commissions, asking them if they want these commissions transferred to their PayPal account.

(Of course you are able to unsubscribe from these emails, but then again... why would you want to do that?!) 😃

Anyway, this monthly email reminder will come with a special custom LINK - when you click this link, you'll be able to easily request all your unpaid affiliate commissions with 2 clicks and we'll transfer them to your PayPal account within just a couple of hours.

We really are doing everything it itakes to make sure our affiliates are happy. 😃



Bulk Download

We've just integrated another cool new feature...

If you've ever used the Bulk Rewrite option before, you know that once all your articles are spun, you're redirected to your Archive when you can download these articles, or edit them, or use them in any way you see fit.

Well, we've now added a cool new option — the moment you're redirected to your Archive, you also get a chance to instantly download a created ZIP archive that only contains your freshly spun bulk articles.

You'll be able to try this new feature out on October 18th... 😃

Better CopyScape integration...

We haven't announced this little upgrade to Spin Rewriter 4.0 yet, but it's also on the list of the upcoming upgrades:

From now on, you'll have the option for our server to remember a securely encrypted variation of your CopyScape username and API key — this means you'll no longer have to enter these credentials whenever you want to check your articles against CopyScape... and this is just one of the many improvements to the user interface that are coming out on October 18th... 😃

For more posts, check out the Monthly Archives.