Spin Rewriter 5.0 API library now available

Good news for all developers out there: We just updated the Spin Rewriter API code samples, SDK libraries, and documentation!

Even better news for all developers: The brand-new Spin Rewriter 5.0 API is 100% compatible with older versions of our API, which means all your existing code will keep on working flawlessly without any changes required on your part. 😃

What's new in the 5.0 version of our API?

For starters, we've added the new Spin Rewriter 5.0 functionality such as the ability to intelligently randomize the order of paragraphs and unordered lists when generating new articles in order to maximize their uniqueness. All of this is described in the updated API documentation.

We've also released brand new code samples that will get you up & running within minutes...

...and maybe most importantly, we've released a new version of the Spin Rewriter API SDK for PHP:

You can simply include this PHP library and starting using the Spin Rewriter API with literally 2 lines of code!

I hope you like these changes & we'll keep on working hard to make sure it's super easy to integrate the awesome ENL semantic spinning power of Spin Rewriter directly into your own software!

Spin Rewriter 5.0 is now LIVE!

*Fanfare* I give you... Spin Rewriter 5.0 !!!

The brand new version of our immensely popular article spinning tool is now finally LIVE & available! 😃

Here's a list of just some of the new features:

1) You can now fetch relevant seed articles for spinning... in seconds!! ...from a huge built-in database of 126,700+ quality articles.

2) The processing speed has been improved by 80% (!!) — from 5 seconds down to 1 second per average article!

3) The One-Click Rewrite option on a 500-word article no longer takes 120 seconds... it now takes just NINE (9) seconds!

4) We've built in an industry-leading Grammar & Spelling Checker with one-click functionality!

5) You can now automatically insert relevant YouTube videos into the articles Spin Rewriter generates for you... again, in seconds.

6) You can choose to have the paragraphs and lists in your generated articles intelligently reordered, automatically... for maximum uniqueness!

7) ...and TONS of other awesome features!!

Find out everything about Spin Rewriter 5.0 right... HERE! 😃

...and I'll see you inside! 😃

ALL ABOARD - Spin Rewriter 5.0 !!!

That's right — we'll be releasing a brand new version of Spin Rewriter, the amazing 5.0!

It'll all go down on October 21st, at 9 AM Pacific Time... and some of the new features will blow your mind!

...and what's possibly even better, all existing users are getting a FREE upgrade to the 5.0 version! (As always!)

So — it's official!

...and if you're interested in promoting the upcoming 5.0 launch on October 21st, hop over here to the JV Page:

This page has got ALL the information you could possibly need... and then some!

Are you as excited as I am?! 😃

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