Tutorial: How to export hundreds of unique articles

Time to look at another (of our many) video tutorials! 📹

In our previous video-tutorial-related blog post we looked at how to add relevant media (images and videos) to all of the unique articles you're generating with Spin Rewriter.

Today we're going to see how you can easily export HUNDREDS of unique articles in many different ways:

This detailed video tutorial will show you exactly how to export any number (1-1000) of freshly generated, unique articles in Step 3 of the Spin Rewriter spinning process. 👍

And of course — if you want to deepen your SEO knowledge, hone your article spinning ninja skills even further and are interested in more video tutorials, you will find them right here... 🎓

Happy New Year!

2023 is here — can you believe it?

Let's clink our glasses to a wonderful and successful 2023 ahead of us!

🥂 🍾

Now, if we take just a moment to look back at 2022 here at Spin Rewriter HQ, there's one thing that truly stands out to me: I have incredibly fond memories of how excited we were to launch the latest-and-greatest Spin Rewriter 13 with a looong list of upgrades and a wonderful design facelift.

Both our long-time users and our newest customers seem to be truly impressed with the spinning power and ease-of-use that we've packed into version 13 of Spin Rewriter. And that's what makes our entire team truly happy! 🤩

I hope you were able to make the most out of your 2022 as well. ❤️

And I hope you're starting this new year with renewed energy and a clear path ahead to achieving your goals — whatever they may be. We'll be here to help you along the way!

Here's to ALL of your dreams coming true in 2023,

Aaron — and the entire INFINET LLC team 😃

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