A new and easier way of handling your projects

We have re-thought Spin Rewriter's Archive functionality.

You are now able to give each of your spun articles a specific (custom) name so you can easily find it later on.

You can also create custom categories and assign those categories to your articles.

What's more, you can easily remove your spun articles from your Archive - by clicking the "checkmark" next to multiple articles, you'll also be able to edit or delete multiple articles at the same time.

We hope you like the new archive-y stuff. 😃

New materials for our affiliates

We've updated a number of our materials, including:
  • promotional email samples (one-time mailing)
  • promotional email samples (a sequence of 3 emails)
  • new videos that show all Spin Rewriter 2.0 features
  • higher quality logos and other images
You'll find most of this in Spin Rewriter's Affiliate Program panel, and you can always send us an email to get access to everything we have. 😃

And remember - we can even set up a custom affiliate link just for you. 😃

2.0 Launch - ENORMOUS Success!

There's basically no words that can describe our feelings after the 2.0 launch.

We really did our best with this product, and it seems we're doing something right. 😃

Within the first hour after the Spin Rewriter 2.0 launch that happened at 9 AM EST on Monday, over 900 new enthusiastic Internet Marketers joined us. Within the first 8 hours, almost 2.500 new users have been playing with Spin Rewriter's old and new features. And it didn't even take us three days to welcome the 5.000th new user since the launch.

Thank you guys so much - we'll keep on doing our very best! 😃

Spin Rewriter 2.0 RELEASED!

Spin Rewriter 2.0 just went LIVE!

It brings a TON of amazing new stuff, e.g.:
  • automated spinning on sentence level
  • automated spinning on paragraph level
  • automated writing of additional paragraphs (based on the context)
  • a more streamlined user interface
  • new Archive functionality
  • etc.

Improved keyboard navigaton and Fast Mode

Spin Rewriter 2.0 that we're releasing on Monday at 9 AM EST also brings two important improvements when it comes to the user interface.

We added the option to simply navigate between words and phrases by pressing the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard. Up to this point you had to navigate with the "Shift + a" and "Shift + s" keyboard shortcuts to move from one word to the next, and we're certainly keeping this option for those of you who have grown to like it. However, the navigation with the "left" and "right" arrow keys is going to be even more intuitive. 😃

We also improved the Fast Mode that enables you to manually rewrite your article in just a couple of minutes - give it a try on Monday! 😃

Spin Rewriter 2.0 Teaser

Here we go ... can't wait! 😃

(It's a short and sweet video, with the amazing new stuff shown in the final 2 minutes.)

We're releasing Spin Rewriter 2.0 on the 11th!!!

It's been a while since we first released Spin Rewriter, and we've been working really hard all this time.

This means we've got a ton of updates, and not only updates - entirely new amazing features that we want to give to you!

With this in mind, we're releasing an entirely new version of Spin Rewriter, with a very creative name: Spin Rewriter 2.0 😃

This will go down on Monday, June 11th, at 9 AM EST (New York time). We're CRAZY EXCITED! 😃

P.S. All existing users get their upgrade to the 2.0 version ... for free. 😃

For more posts, check out the Monthly Archives.